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Hours of Operation:
8:00 AM - 4:45 PM
Monday - Friday
Closed: Weekends, Holidays

205 N. Bridge St. Suite 101
Victoria, TX 77901
View Map & Directions

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 2569
Victoria, TX 77902

Email Address:

Contact Numbers:
(361) 576-3671
(361) 576-0477 (Fax)

Victoria County Tax Office

Property Tax Information

The Texas Constitution requires the Tax Assessor office for counties with more than 10000 in population.

Effective January 1, 1982, state law required counties participate in a single appraisal district. Under this revision, the duty of appraising property value and exemption use became the duties of the office of the chief appraiser of the appraisal districts.

The Victoria Central Appraisal District identifies taxable property, determines its appraised value, which exemptions to grant, the taxable owner and address, and which taxing entities may tax the property based on jurisdictions.

The Victoria County Tax office receives the certified tax roll from the Victoria Central Appraisal District, by July 25. The property values are loaded on the Tax Office software. The certified tax roll and the tax rates adopted by each taxing entity are used to levy the current property taxes in October of each year. Tax statements are then generated and mailed to property owners and/or mortgage companies using a consolidated tax bill. he Major tax duty of an assessor-collector is the collection of property tax as established by the Constitution and the State Property Tax Code. In addition, as an agent of the Texas Department of Transportation, the assessor-collector is responsible for the registration and licensing of motor vehicles owned by residents of the county. The Victoria County Tax Assessor-Collector also issues permits for the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission.

The Victoria County Tax Office requires mortgage companies request their clients tax statement each year. Request are due by late August and failure to request in a timely matter may result in the clients (property owners) receiving their tax statement directly. Property owners are required to ensure the information on their tax statements is current and any errors should be directed to the Victoria Central Appraisal District (361-576-3621) immediately.