Ashley currently oversees three grants within the Victoria County Public Health Department: Texas Healthy Communities, Be Well Victoria, and Community Conversations on Health. She graduated from the Victoria College Nursing Program and worked in the hospital and clinical setting for over twelve years. Working in healthcare, she developed a passion for people and public health education, which she applies to her daily work as Program Manager. Her energetic personality drives her to make connections within the community and collaborate with local entities to create sustainable programming in Victoria County.
Determined to stay involved in her community, Ashley serves on several committees and coalitions and is on the Board of the School Health Advisory Committee, The Junior League of Victoria, the Southside Community Coalition, and FitVic Coalition. She is a certified instructor in Stop the Bleed®, which trains on recognizing and treating life-threatening bleeding, and in Getting Ahead in a “Just Getting-By” World®, which teaches on causes of poverty and building up the middle class. Notable projects to date include VCPHD’s drive-thru emergency preparedness event, free physical activity classes, and development of school/community gardens in Victoria & Bloomington.