How can I...

Kim Kirbo

HARP Program Manager

As the Program Manager of HARP (HIV/AIDS Resource Program) of Victoria, Kim brings six years of dedicated experience to the mission of achieving undetectable status for all people living with HIV. Overseeing a caseload of nearly one hundred clients, Kim, a certified Community Health Worker, channels her passion into educating the community and fostering relationships that empower people living with HIV/AIDS to comfortably access the comprehensive services offered by HARP.

Over the past three years, she has made efforts to rebrand HARP so that clients understand the importance of remaining adherent in their health care while actively fighting to end the stigma surrounding HIV. She plays a key role in changing perspectives and nurturing a more inclusive and compassionate community through innovative outreach strategies and engaging educational initiatives.

Kim remains engaged in the frontline work of enhancing the health of residents in the South Texas Crossroads living with HIV and AIDS.